This was a letter to my lovely girl friends. I have been fortunate enough to make and keep some lasting friendships, and I absolutely love each and everyone one of them!
Hi friends of mine I love you all very dearly and miss you all a lot today. I am hung over and I am at work and I hung out with two of my fav people last night and kinda wish I could rewind and do it all again and again. Life is getting jumbled and we are all getting older and wiser and braver which are all good things, but I miss the days before hangovers. I miss playing king of the raft until we are all bloody and in love with one of “the boys”. I want my mom to come here and drive me around town, cook for me, and pay my way. I miss slumber parties and Laurie’s basement. I miss my water bed and Hans and little blondie brothers. I want to ride the tandem around town, I want to swim ALL day long, I want to go to A&W, I want to be fast again and play under the lights at Westwood. Sometimes I miss the college days and Carbondale but today I miss being a kid and hanging out with my friends! When Petra puts the finishing touches on our time machine that we have been working on I am buying a pack of sparklers, putting on my swimsuit, grabbin a bag of Swedish fish, and headin back to 1995!
Love ya, -Haley